Washers Dryers 360 takes its rating from Google’s product ratings. Google’s ratings represent the aggregated score for the product, compiled from multiple sources including merchants, review aggregators, independent review sites, and Google users. Within this curated system, only reviews that are deemed accurate and relevant to a particular product are counted. Google filters out what they consider to be untrustworthy or otherwise questionable reviews. This allows us to provide our readers with a broad overview of both the well-loved features of a product, and the most common complaints.
We do not verify consumer reviews.
Rating Scale
Ratings fit within a five point scale, enumerated to one decimal place and visualized by stars.
- 0-1 stars = Do not buy
- 1-2 stars = Not recommended
- 2-3 stars = Commonly has complaints, but worth looking at
- 3-4 stars = Recommended, with some caveats
- 4-5 stars = Highly recommended; minor, if any, complaints