A dryer vent refers to a tube used to regulate airflow in your clothes dryer. It is difficult to get an idea of the type of vent you have without looking inside your machine. Some people do not even know if they have a vent at all. Without proper maintenance and cleaning, lint can accumulate in the vent, causing it to get blocked and not function as expected. A blocked vent can cause severe damage to your dryer and your home. Here are eight signs of a clogged dryer vent:
1. The Temperature Rises
One sign that a dryer vent is clogged is that the temperature inside the machine continues to rise. If you’re using a gas dryer, this could take the form of hot air coming out of the lint trap. Your clothes won’t be drying properly if you’re using an electric dryer. The motor should shut off sooner than normal, and it will continue to run after the cycle is complete.
For example, when removing your clothes from the dryer, they will be extremely hot to the touch. This can damage your clothes or lead to a fire if you aren’t careful.
2. The Lint Trap Is Full
One way to check if your vent is clogged is to remove the lint trap and look inside the exhaust pipe with a flashlight. You should be able to see a small amount of light shining through the exhaust pipe. If there’s no light coming through, then your lint trap might be full, and you need to remove the trap to clean it.
If there’s a lot of dust buildup on the inside of the pipe, this can also cause problems with your dryer. Lint is a lot like insulation and will slow down the heat. You will need a professional dryer vent cleaning service to resolve this issue.
3. Breathing Problems
Another main symptom of a clogged dryer vent is that it starts to smell. If you have hardwood floors, this could cause trouble with your heating system. Often, this smell is a combination of the odor that comes out of the lint trap and the smell coming from inside your range hood. It can make it difficult to sleep at night if you’re an allergy sufferer.
4. Longer Drying Times
A clogged dryer vent can cause your machine to take longer to dry your clothes. You might even have to run the cycle multiple times to dry them fully. This is a serious problem, and you need to take some time out of your day to make sure that a clog doesn’t occur again. For example, if your clothes took 20 minutes to dry and now take an hour and a half, you might have a clog in your vent.
5. A Noticeable Decrease in Performance
One of the most common signs of a clogged dryer vent is that you notice decreased performance. For example, if you always see puffy wrinkles on your clothes after running the dryer, there’s probably a vent problem. The heat can’t reach your clothes, so they’re still wet.
If you see that there’s not enough heat, this could also mean that you have a vent problem. If the outside vent is clogged with leaves, trash, or even snow, then the dryer isn’t going to get hot enough to do its job properly.
6. Weird Noises Coming From the Dryer
Your dryer can make weird noises if something is obstructing the exhaust pipe. You may hear a rattling, squeaking, or even banging sound. These noises are usually accompanied by the same signs as a clogged dryer vent. You might see that the temperature rises quickly or the machine fills with smoke or steam. You may also notice that your clothes are coming out of the dryer wet.
7. Increased Electricity Bill
A clogged dryer vent can cause your electricity bill to go up significantly. The appliance is trying to get warm air out of the dryer vent hose, and it can’t do that effectively. The motor has to work harder, which causes an increase in electricity usage. If you notice your bill is higher than normal, then there’s a good chance that you have a clogged vent.
8. A Burning Smell
Another way to tell if your vent is clogged is by noticing a burning smell. If you use your dryer often, you might not notice it, but there’s still a good chance you’re smelling something. It could be coming out of the lint trap or the exhaust pipe. This can easily lead to a fire if you don’t address the issue. Consider a dryer cleaning service if you want to remove all the lint.
Contact the Experts
If you notice any of these symptoms, you need to contact a professional immediately. You should never run your dryer without the lint trap attached simply because it can cause serious damage to your clothes and your home. The lint trap is one of the most important safety features of any dryer, and you should never try to clean it yourself.
If you have a clogged dryer vent, it’s important to have it cleaned by professionals. You’ll likely be able to do it yourself if you remove the trap, but that’s not wise. Professionals know how to clean a dryer vent without causing any damage.
When the experts arrive at your home, they’ll be able to inspect the whole venting system from top to bottom. They will look at the inside pipe and even use a camera to check for signs of trouble inside the ductwork.
They can also perform dryer duct cleaning by using a brush or scraping the lint. If there are any other issues with your system, like an animal that has made its home there, they’ll resolve the problems. They’ll use a powerful rotating brush inside the vent to clean out all lint and debris. This will eliminate the possibility of fire, enable your dryer to work properly, and even make your clothes dry faster.